High-End Auto Services: AXXA Motors
Deal type: Private Equity
Industry: Technology
Market focus: Automotive E-Commerce AXXA
AXXA Motors is a highly profitable, speci威而鋼 alized engine repair company based in Germany with headquarters in Switzerland. The Company provides cost-effective engine overhaul and repair services for more than a dozen popular and high-end automotive brands including, but not limited to, Aston Martin, Bugatti, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, and Porsche, among others. AXXA Motors’ business model is to receive defective engines of luxury and high-end vehicles from body shops and return them fully overhauled with short turnaround times. This model allows body shops to offer an expanded range of services to their clients without having to own the expensive equipment or specialized expertise required to overhaul luxury or high-end car engines.
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